Many companies have entrusted PT Jurnal Consulting Indonesia with their data, and we make it a priority to take our users’ security and privacy concerns seriously. We strive to ensure that user data is kept securely, and that we collect only as much personal data as is required to provide our services to users in an efficient and effective manner.
PT Jurnal Consulting Indonesia has implemented this security and privacy policy because a fundamental component of the data-steward-to-customer relationship is a customer’s trust in this institution, and because we respect the expectations of our customers regarding security, privacy and confidentiality. Protecting your privacy, along with your data is at the core of our business. We recognize that you expect privacy and security for your company’s organizational and financial affairs. We understand the need to safeguard our sensitive information about you that you have entrusted to us within our company. We maintain standards and procedures designed to prevent misuse of this information. We believe that your privacy should not be compromised.